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An axassin is a monster in Dragon Quest VII.


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Main games[]

Dragon Quest VII[]

#27 - Axassin
Humanoid Family
Darkdwarf HP MP Attack Defence Agility
42 5 45 32 27
Exp Gold Drop Medicinal herb
20 8 G
Note: None
Normal attack
Haunts at:
Grody Grotto
Roamer area (Past)
Poolside Cave (Past)
Monster Meadows quotes:
Hey, (player's name). For once, I wish that someone would look up to me.

Whistle while I work? I'll whistle while I feast on your rancid carcass!

Hi ho, hi ho? I'll chop you in two for such an insult!


Ho ho! Monster Meadows is a cut above the rest! It's a most axellent place!

Oh ho! He's for the chop! She's for the chop! Let's chop around the clock!

Ah, (player's name). You're looking sharp! You're looking axceptionally well, in fact!

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Hachassin
German Kleinhacker
Spanish Hachasino
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Asciassino
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

Related monsters[]
