Dragon Quest Wiki

The bloodcreeper is a boss monster who appears in Dragon Quest VI and is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.


The Bloodcreeper has a devilish and demonic demeanor with large purple wings and dark green skin, along with a massive maw that he is using to sip dew when discovered in the Lucid Grotto.

In battle he whips his barbed tail to wrack up damage and blinds all foes with a dazzling flash, making them ditch a turn in order to see straight. The hellion's also armed with sap to drop defenses and a meaty munch from his massive maw that does damage. He can even Buff his defense up to help defend against attacks.


Dragon Quest VI[]

# - Bloodcreeper
Demon Family
No Image HP MP Attack Defence Agility
370 18 53 50 52
Exp Gold Drop Seed of resilience
260 370 G
Normal attack
Haunts at:
Lucid Grotto

Dragon Quest of the Stars[]

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Dragon Quest Walk[]

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Other languages[]

Other languages
German Blutkriecher
Spanish Chupasangres
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Demone sanguinario
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown


  • The Bloodcreeper's facial structure and appearance is slightly similar to Syn Shenron, a character originating from the Dragon Ball franchise.

Related monsters[]
