Dragon Quest Wiki

Buckler Bash is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest X[]

Making its debut, it is used by Escudogres, Testudogres, Peekabogres, Lingering ogres, Hell's bellboys, Greenbones, Deadorians, Bambaja the Flash Beast, Mysterious Armed Soldier, Legirrazzo, Death Soldier Gatarian, Povadius, and Sweeper Captain Banagol to shove and damage one enemy with their shields, while potentially knocking them down.

Dragon Quest Walk[]

Acts mostly the same in X, but also reduces damage when performing the skill. It costs 10 MP to use, and is learned at level 10 when equipping the Master Dragon Shield, the Guardian Angel vocation at level 5, and already learned when equipping the Demon Wolf Shield.

Dragon Quest Treasures[]

Acting mostly the same as in its last two appearances, it is learned by Restless armours and deals physical impact damage on any and all enemies that get in its way, costing 2 MP to use.

Other languages[]

Other languages
German Schildrempler
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown