Dragon Quest Wiki

Cursed Mist is a recurring breath skill in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest VIII[]

Making its debut, it is a mist that Shades and Geyzer roll up to curse enemies, expect for the Hero who is immune due to his Dragovian heritage. In the 3DS remake, it is also used by Geyzer in Memoriam and Trap Box in Memoriam.

Dragon Quest X[]

An actual breath just like in Battle Road Victory, it is used by Visor kaisers, Demon clouds, Gnuriels, Sham hamwitches, Infernoes, Hyperanemons, Jungleyes, Jia Dragon riders, Gasmons, Bad bird, Wave dragon, Cursed Shadow, and Devil Chief Jiggis to curse enemies.

Dragon Quest XI[]

Acting the same as in X, it is once again used by Visor Kaisers and Hyperanemons.

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory[]

Appearing as an actual breath for the first time in the entire series, it is the Shadow's red button skill that damages one enemy with a dark breath attack while potentially cursing it.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

Dragon Quest of the Stars[]

Dragon Quest Tact[]

Learned by Deadnauts and Geyzer at level 22 and Demon Clouds at level 24, it acts the same as in X and XI, costing 15 MP to use.

See Also[]
