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Dragon Quest Wiki

Deadnaut (Graveheart in Tact) is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.


Deadnauts are skeleton warriors clad in blue and gold armor wielding a sword and shield in battle. The blue shield they carry bears a symbol of the Children of Hargon on it. They appear to be more heavily armored and warlike than the typical skeleton enemy.


Main games[]

Dragon Quest II[]

#42 - Deadnaut
Undead Family
DQIIiOS - Deadnaut HP MP Attack Defence Agility
65 0 63 17 33
Exp Gold Drop Tombola ticket
45 (NES)
82 (Remakes)
40 (NES)
45 (Remakes) G
Normal attack
Haunts at:

Dragon Quest XI[]

#88 - Deadnaut
Undead Family
DQXI - Deadnaut 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
102 13 83 90 46
Exp Gold Drop Big bone (Common)
Steel helmet (Rare)
131 42 G
Note: Sorrowful soldiers who've had their souls stolen, and are forced to stay enslaved to their masters even after their bodies have gone.
Normal attack
Blocks enemy attacks and spells
Deadening Dance
Haunts at:
Zwaardsrust Region (Night)
Dundrasil Region (3DS and 2D Mode of Definitive Edition only, Night)
Caverns under Octagonia (Early game, Mid game)

#451 - Malicious deadnaut
Undead Family
DQXI - Deadnaut 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
451 26 243 296 125
Exp Gold Drop Big bone (Common)
Steel helmet (Rare)
1259 302 G
Note: Deadnauts who have morphed into a truly malevolent form under the malign influence of infinite evil.
Normal attack
Blocks enemy attacks and spells
Deadening Dance
Haunts at:
Zwaardsrust Region (Post game, Night)
Caverns under Octagonia (Post game)

Monsters series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key SP[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

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Battle Road series[]

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road II/Legend & Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory[]

Skill/Spell Description
Dark Mark Damages all enemies with a purple laser emitted from its shield
Jukuren's Move Damages one enemy with its swordplay while potentially paralyzing said enemy.
Paralyse Damages one enemy with deadly swordplay while potentially cursing said enemy.

Builders series[]

Dragon Quest Builders 2[]

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Other series[]

Dragon Quest Rivals[]

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Dragon Quest Tact[]

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Other Languages[]

Other languages
French Gladiatueur
German Grimmiges Gerippe
Spanish Zombinauta
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Fufante
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese 不死者
Korean Unknown

Notable Deadnauts[]

Related monsters[]
