Dragon Quest Wiki

Despairia (later Hopeton) is a town in Dragon Quest VI. Located at the southwestern edge of the Dread Realm, it is the first town visited as the party lands on Mortamor's self-created world.


Mortamor and his minions continually bring here humans who have lost all hope in life, and has drained much of their life force and will in order that their sorrow continues to feed him, increasing his power. By the time the party arrives, many of Despairia's citizens are clinging to life. Mortamor even placed a jugular joker in charge to ensure that things do not get out of hand.

Among the few residents not near death is the Dullerton armourer Max Wynne. However, his short stay here has already begun to sap him of the zest for life he once had, and with it the drive to practise his craft. Wynne thus seems cranky when he is first met in his shelter underground. He is, as it turns out, waiting to hear hopeful news from home; but there doesn't seem to be a way back to the world below. He thus offers the party his old smoking pipe on the condition that they tell his wife where he is and bring back his smithing tools.

Despite the generally grim atmosphere, one of the other residents tells that a trip to the nearby Lotus Lagoon will help them to feel better. Indeed, they take the plunge, and come around to a derelict building opposite the entryway to the lagoon. Fighting the lagoon's circular flow, they step inside to find a well, which drops them to the world below.

Still fatigued, the party makes its way to Dullerton and visits Wynne's house, where the dog, Silver, seizes on the old pipe and alerts Wynne's wife to open the door. She is at first shocked, but as the party tells of his situation, she warms up to them and honours her husband's request.

Back in Despairia, Wynne receives the good news and his tools, thanking the party and offering them rest. He also agrees to craft for them one of his finest arms.

As morning comes, the light of hope is also restored, as is the party's energy.

Shops and Services[]

Weapon Shop (Remake)
Item Price Attributes
War hammer 12,000 G Attack +64/Style +19
Cautery sword 4,400 G Attack +42/Style +23
Blizzard blade 21,000 G Attack +105/Style +38
Zombiesbane 18,000 G Attack +80/Style +5

Armor Shop (Remake)
Item Price Attributes
Gigant armour 23,000 G Defense +92/Style +15
Flowing dress 14,000 G Defense +65/Style +42
Ogre shield 20,000 G Defense +48/Style -10
Thinking cap 13,000 G Defense +40/Style +21


One of the following three pieces of armor:

Nearby Monsters[]

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Mélankolia
German Resignia (before)
Neu-Hoffnung (after)
Spanish Desesperia
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
