Dragon Quest Wiki

The floating continent of Draconia, is the setting of Dragon Quest Treasures. Set in a dimension of endless skies, it is currently unknown what, if any, connections this dimension shares with the world of Erdrea from Dragon Quest XI. The only other location known in this skybound world, is the kingdom of Sylphania, located far away from Draconia.

Draconia is formed from the ancient bodies of two legendary golden dragons, Madra and Padra, divided into several islands. Six of these islands are bigger than the others, and are connected through railways of special trains with each other. Draconia, among other things, is home to the seven legendary Dragonstones, special artefacts shaped like parts of a dragon’s body. One island in particular, full of riches like no other, known as La Isla Dorada, was originally part of Madra, before being wisked away to parts unknown after being entered without permission.

The golden dragons themselves were originally two deities, who eloped away from their fellow gods in order to be together. After many years together, they at last had a child, but the infant was unfortunately in danger of dying, so as a last resort, the two dragons used the last of their powers, to transform the child into the seven Dragonstones, waiting for the moment were worthy people would take the combined stones to La Isla Dorada in order for them to re-take their rightful appearance.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Unknown
Spanish Draconia
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown