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Eye for Distance is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series.


Checks distance to the nearest overworld location.


Dragon Quest III Remakes[]

Only appearing in the remakes, it is learned by Thieves at level 8 and costs 0 MP to use.

Dragon Quest IV Remakes[]

Only appearing in the remakes, it is learned by Torneko at level 7 and costs 0 MP to use.

Dragon Quest VI[]

Making its debut, it is learned by advancing to rank 2 of the Thief vocation and costs 0 MP to use.

Dragon Quest VII[]

Acting the same as in VI, it is learned by advancing to Rank 2 of the Troubadour vocation and costs 0 MP to use once again. It does not appear in the 3DS remake.

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 and Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart[]

Learned by Raven lunatics, Rockin' rockhoppers, and IronHawks at level 10, it allows the player to see the location of items on the field and costs 0 MP to use once again.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Mapille
German Adlerauge
Spanish Buen ojo
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown