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DQIX - Serena

Fenbren is a character in Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai. He is member of Hadlar's Royal Guards created using forbidden magic.


Fenbren is a human-shaped, silvery, metallic construct, looking like a priest wearing ceremonial garb, with crescent-shaped shoulders and a pointed headpiece, fitting his Bishop-theme. Most of his body is a sharp, vaguely sword-shaped blade, and he has pointed, claw-like fingers.


Like his kin his comes across as a stoic and disciplined warrior. Constantly bragging about his abilities and his loyalty to Hadlar. In actuality, Fenbern is something of the odd one out when it comes to the Royal Guard, as he has proven to be far more emotional and capricious then his companions.

While the others have codes of honor and chivalry, Fenbern is extremely sadistic and when left to his own devices likes to torment his enemies. He is noted to be very vengeful, reacting in extreme fury when he is injured and lashing violently at anything that gets in his way. Baran in particular proved the target of his murderous grudge both for stopping his torture of Chiu and for scarring his face. He also has a rebellious nature as he defied Hadlar's orders in order to satisfy his vendetta against Baran. He was even willing to keep his injury to his eyes in order to fuel his anger at Baran.

Not unlike Flazzard, Fenbren's traits are a direct consequence of the worst traits within Hadlar at the moment of his creation which, while fundamentally reduced, were still present within Hadlar. Differently from Flazzard, however, Fenbren is drastically more cautious, acting orderly and obedient so as to not disrupt order and maintain a functioning group, while also masquerade his true personality. When given the chance, however, he will act accordingly to his own twisted desires.


Fenbren, just like the other Elite Royal Guard members, was created by Hadlar using a forbidden spell on five Orichalcos chest pieces, with him being born from a Bishop piece.

He first appears when Hadlar sends the Elite Royal Guard attack the Kingdom of Sababa, when they easily wreck the entire capital city and destroy a ship full of weapons destined to battle the Dark Army. Soon, the Disciples of Avan gathering the main heroes arrived, and each Royal Guard fought one individually. Fenbren fought the mage Popp and easily broke his magic staff, until the heroes changed their strategy, wounding the Pawn Warrior Hym and the knight Warrior Sigma. Popp used an opening to cast his deadliest spell "Medoroa", only for the Rook Warrior Block to collapse on them all and bury them underground, saving their lives at great cost to himself. Hadlar told them to retreat and healed them.

Hadlar soon sent Fenbren to guard the subterranean entrance of the Vearn Palace, only accessible underwater near the desolate Field of Death, ordering him to kill anyone who found it out. The Bishop Warrior would meet the fat rat monster Chiu, who had come to investigate the Field of Death and found the entrance by chance. Fenbren easily defeated Chiu and his monster friends, but could not finish him off, for Baran threw his blade at him without being seen, blinding the Bishop Warrior and causing him to angrily retreat.

Dai sliced Fenbren with his Orichalcos Sword as he was going to kill Baran, bisecting the Bishop Wrrior and killing him. Fenbren's remains then sunk into deep water as he rant about his defeat and exploded.


As an entity made of Orichalcum, Fenbren is nigh immune to most forms of damage, leaving very few methods available to hurt him. 80% of his body is composed of sharp blades, making him very good at close quarters combat. Facing him without a weapon has proven suicidal, as even Chiu who could injure the likes of a Superior Being with his rolling attack, inflicted no damage on Fenbren and only sustained cuts. Mages like Popp are also much safer due to fighting from a distance.

Fenbren is a master of all Wind spells possible, which he uses not only to cause injury, but most regularly to destabilize his opponents to leave them at the mercy of his deadly blades. Fenbren's ultimate technique is the Twin Sword Pinning, in which he rises his arms above his head while rotating his entire body as he charges against them effectively drilling and shredding them.


Other languages[]

Other languages
French Fenbren
German Fenbren
Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown