Dragon Quest Wiki

The Frying pan is a recurring item found in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest VII 3DS[]

Equipped by
Hero, Kiefer, Maribel, Sir Mervyn, Aishe.
Acquired by
Defeating the Nut knight on the DLC tablet Tough Nuts.
Cannot be sold

Dragon Quest X[]

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Dragon Quest Builders 2[]

Available starting in Khrumbul-Dun, the frying pan is a furniture-type item that when placed on a bonfire becomes a Fiery Frying Pan, a type of cooking station that allows for two ingredients to be used for a single dish.

It can be made on the Iron workbench, Builder's workbench, Welder's workbench and Machinist's workbench, with Iron ingot x2 and Wood x1.

The frying pan's ambience is cool. It has a cost of 20 gratitude points in the Builderpedia.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Poële à frire
German Bratpfanne
Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown