Dragon Quest Wiki

The Holy talisman is a recurring accessory in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest VIII[]

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Dragon Quest IX[]

A ring that resists the ravages of death magic when worn.

Stats: Defence +6

Obtained: Alchemy - 1x Gold rosary, 5x Holy water, 1x Resurrock

Rarity: 1 Star

Alchemises into: Celestial spearSacred clawsWhite knight's shieldHoly mailElfin charm.

Dragon Quest X[]

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Dragon Quest XI[]

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  • The Holy talisman share the exact same appearance of the Endure ring. Furthermore, their original Japanese names are also very similar, both containg the Kanji 聖印 ("hijiri shirushi", holy seal).

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Talisman sacré
Bague de sorcier
German Heiliger Talisman
Spanish Talismán sagrado
Italian Talismano sacro
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown