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Kasizz (Kasizzle before Joker 2) is a recurring spell in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest III[]

Making its debut, it is learned by Mages and Sages at level 29, dealing between 80~112 damage on one group of enemies. It costs 12 MP to cast.

Dragon Quest IV[]

Kasizzle is learned by Maya at level 27. It costs 10 MP, and deals between 80~112 points of damage. It is also used by Joojoo gooroos, Princes of darkness, and Sasquashes when they are serious, as well as Prism peacocks and Croaked kings in the remakes.

Dragon Quest V[]

Learned by Bianca and Nera at level 27, Debora at level 29, recruited Barbatoses at level 5, recruited Liquid metal slimes at level 6, recruited Moosifers at level 11, recruited Prestidigitators at level 28, and recruited Conkjurers at level 40, it hits one group of enemies for 10 MP, hitting for 80~112 points of damage. It is also used by Snake handlers, Hybirds, Moosifers, and Queen Ferz in battle.

Name Level
Barbatos 5
Liquid metal slime 6
Moosifer 11
Bianca 27
Nera 27
Prestidigitator 28
Debora 29
Conkjurer 40

Dragon Quest VI[]

Kasizzle can only be obtained by mastering the Mage vocation. This spell costs 10 MP to cast, and deals between 80 and 112 points of damage. It is also used by Hirsute hexers, Spiegel, and General Demon-at-arms in battle.

Dragon Quest VII[]

Kasizzle is learned by advancing to Rank 7 of the Armamentalist vocation, Rank 2 of the Prism Peacock, and Rank 3 of the Black Bishop. It acts the same as in its previous appearances, and is also used by Hybris, Prism peacocks, Croaked kings, In the 3DS remake, it is learned by advancing to Rank 5 of the Hero and Sage vocations and Rank 2 of the Druid vocations.

Dragon Quest VIII[]

Kasizzle is a spell learned by the Hero at level 32, and by Jessica during an event. It costs 10 MP to cast, initially dealing between 70 and 90 base damage, and caps at 150~170 once their wisdom surpasses 480. It is also used by Jabberwockees, Fallen priests, Merkings, Dhoulmagus, Evil Jessica, Statue of Jessica, the Golden Dragon, Geyzer in Memoriam, the Tortured Soul in Memoriam, and the Trap Box in Memoriam in battle.

Dragon Quest X[]

Reappearing after taking a backseat from the previous game, it is learned by Dancers at level 45, and Death Masters will learn it at level 74. The spell's damage calculation is Magical Might x 0.33 +55 with a maximum range of 256~268. The spell costs 21 MP to cast, and will fire in a straight line from the conjurer for ten meters. It is also used by Black batboons, Lava lamplings, Gangrems, Jungleyes, King she-slimes, Luminous lamplings, and Magic prison graduates in battle against their enemies. It is also learned by Fuura at level 49 in the Offline version of the game.

Dragon Quest XI[]

The Luminary and Veronica will learn Kasizz at level 40 and 38, respectively. The spell costs 16 MP to cast and will deal a base range of 100~116 before capping at 216~232. It is also used by Elysium birds, Archbashops, Phoenixes, Metal king slimes, Whackolytes, Grey gordons, Infanticores, Luminous lamplings, Pteranodons, and Sinderella gone Malicious, Avarith, the Doomsday dragon, and Lord Dragon, as well as Luminous Lamplings and Lava Lamplings gone Malicious and Princes of Darkness once again in battle.

Dragon Quest of the Stars[]

Used by Leonidas during the battle.

Dragon Quest Heroes and Dragon Quest Heroes II[]

Dragon Quest Tact[]

Learned by Prince Princeton of Cannock at level 38, as well as Drackies and Tortured souls via their Talent Blossoming, it acts the same as in previous appearances and costs 108 MP to cast, while upgrading the spell increases damage and reduces MP cost. It is also used by Murdaw during the Dragon Quest VI event, while a scroll of this spell can be obtained from the Swap Shop for 5000 Legend League Season 5 Medals.

Dragon Quest Treasures[]

Known as Kasizzle once again, it is learned by Drackolytes, Metal slimes, Hardy hands, Metal King Slimes, Loss leaders, and Cutie Slimes at level 33, acting the same as in the Heroes games. It costs 18 MP to cast. It is now re-classified as a Light spell, instead of a Fire spell.

Dragon Quest Champions[]

Appearing as the Coup de Grâce for the Savant's staff, it deals heavy Sizz spell damage to 1 enemy party in battle.

The Adventure of Dai[]

It is the ultimate Heat-type spell, requiring both hands to be used. Hadlar learned it with his new body given by Vearn after winning his battle to the death with Avan, using it during the Valge Island attack to Avan's Disciples and the attempted assassination of Popp, though Matoriv also used the spell, much to the Dark Commander's surprise.


  • The Japanese spell Begiragon had previously been localized as Kasizzle in VIII. When the spell Giragureido was introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2, it was localized as Kasizzle and Begiragon was changed to Kasizz.


Other languages[]

Other languages
French Mégacrame
German Schmor
Knusper (XI)
Spanish Superincendio
Italian Inferno
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

See Also[]
