Dragon Quest Wiki
Dragon Quest Wiki

Leviathanatos is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest series.


Monsters series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key/SP[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

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Other games[]

Dragon Quest of the Stars[]

Leviathanatos is encountered by the heroes on the continent of Mahrad while traveling to Koalad. Originally the guardian of the sea, she has been consumed by rage and blocks the path to Koalad. According to Gaius, she needs to appeased by offering her two different fruits: Zabungo fruit and Dobungo fruit. After gathering the two fruits, Paula creates an offering containing both fruits. Even though Leviathanatos eats the offering, the party is forced to fight her when Gaius realizes that she is being controlled by Supreme Sage Griff. After defeating her, she thanks the group and reveals that Griff is at Koalad. She then tells the group that they need to remove the whirlpool blocking the entrance to Koalad before they can proceed further.

Related monsters[]

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Léviathanatos
German Leviathanatos
Spanish Leviatánatos
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese 利拜亞大人
Korean Unknown