Dragon Quest Wiki

Note: Spells may be learned earlier if Wisdom is augmented through seeds or equipping the Goddess ring.

Kyril and Meena focus on defensive magic, while Borya and Maya focus on offensive magic.

Healing spells[]

In the original NES version, Antidote (Squelch) and Numb-off (Tingle) can only be cast outside battle.

Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Heal 4 1 1 - - -
Midheal (Heal-More) 7 16 13 - - -
Fullheal (Heal-All) 27 27 26 - - 35
Multiheal (Heal-Us) - 30 - - - 35
Omniheal (Heal-Us-All) 32 - - - - -
Squelch (Antidote) - 8 5 - - -
Tingle (Numb-off) - - 10 - - -
Cock-a-doodle-doo (Awaken) 17 - - - - -
Zing (Vivify) 28 21 20 - - -
Kazing (Raise) - 33 - - - 38
Kerplunk (Farewell) - - 35 - - -

Field spells[]

Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Evac (Outside) 13 - - 7 9 35
Zoom (Return) 9 - - 9 9 35
Holy Protection (Repel) 12 - - - - 35
Peep - - - 15 - -
Tick-tock (Day-Night) - - - 17 - -
Safe Passage (Step Guard) - - - - 21 35
Snoop (X-ray) - - - 23 - -

Support spells[]

Battle spells that target the allies or the caster.

Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Snub (Fendspell) 20 - - - - -
Kaclang (Ironize) 21 - - - - -
Buff (Upper) - 5 - - - -
Kabuff (Increase) - 14 - - - -
Insulatle (Fire Barrier) - - 29 - - -
Bounce (Bounce) - - - 9 - -
Acceleratle (Speed-Up) - - - 14 - -
Oomph (Bi-Kill) - - - 19 - 36
Puff! (BeDragon) - - - - 30 ??

Disabling spells[]

Battle spells that target the enemies. They have useful special effects instead of dealing damage.

Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Dazzle (Surround) - 6 - - - -
Fizzle (Stopspell) - 13 - - - -
Snooze (Sleep) - - 6 5 - -
Kasnooze (SleepMore) 16 - 17 - - 35
Fuddle (Chaos) - - - 30 - -
Sap (Sap) - - - 5 5 -
Kasap (De-Fence) - - - 21 - 35
Drain Magic (RobMagic) - - - 25 16 -
Hocus Pocus (Chance) 39 - - - - -

Attack spells[]

Lightning spells
Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Zap (Zap) 25 - - - - -
Kazap (Lightning) 35 - - - - -
Kazapple (Thordain) 39 - - - - -
Magic Burst (MegaMagic) - - - - - ??
Fire & Ice spells
Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Frizz (Blaze) 5 - - - 1 -
Frizzle (Blazemore) - - - - 19 -
Kafrizzle (Blazemost) - - - - 33 -
Sizz (Fireball) 11 - - - 7 -
Sizzle (Firebane) - - - - 14 -
Kasizzle (Firebolt) - - - - 27 -
Bang (Bang) - - - - 12 -
Boom (Boom) 24 - - - 23 -
Kaboom (Explodet) - - - - 36 35
Crack (Icebolt) - - - 1 - -
Crackle (Snowstorm) - - - 12 - -
Kacrack (Snowblast) - - - 27 - -
Kacrackle (IceSpears) - - - 32 - 35
Wind & Instant-Defeat spells
Name Hero Kiryl Meena Borya Maya Psaro
Woosh (Infernos) - - 9 - - -
Swoosh (Infermore) - - 23 - - -
Kaswoosh (Infermost) - - 32 - - -
Poof (Expel) 1 - - - - -
Whack (Beat) - 18 - - - -
Thwack (Defeat) - 24 - - - -
Kathwack (DefeatMax) - - - - - 42
