Dragon Quest Wiki

The Olde Reflectory is a location in Dragon Quest Swords. It is a small cave outside of Castle Avalonia which contains several gravestones. More importantly, it contains wall hangings which accommodate 9 mirrors which are used as portal to facing the 9 mirror bosses. These mirrors are only accessible after defeating Xiphos the Deathbringer in the main story of the game. Until Xiphos is defeated, only a simple message is accessible which gives a hint about the purpose of the Reflectory after defeating Xiphos.


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  • If one counts the Olde Reflectory as a bonus dungeon, it's the shortest in the entire series and has no enemies aside from the ones accompanying bosses.
  • Other dungeons such as Memories Lane or Trial Isle are similar to the Olde Reflectory in that they contain bosses who are stronger versions of bosses from the main story.
  • Briquet, Fishy Monster, Grobmesser, Golok the Gatekeeper and Xiphos' first form are the only bosses not to have mirror counterparts.
  • Edahs 'Sophix is the only mirror boss where the player fights multiple bosses in a row. Appropriately enough, he and the three bosses fought weren't in the Japanese version of the game and were added to US/EU versions of the game.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Alten Reflektorium
Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown
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