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Puppeteer is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.


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Main games[]

Dragon Quest VIII[]

#41 - Puppeteer
Humanoid Family
DQ8-041-Puppeteer HP MP Attack Defence Agility
75 12 41 38 38
Exp Gold Drop Silk robe (Common)
Slime earrings (Rare)
45 21 G
Note: A unique monster that delights in telling its opponents stories using hand-puppets.
Normal attack
Attacks with Slime Puppet
Exciting Tale
Funny Story
Lame Story
Haunts at:
Kingdom of Ascantha


The Puppeteer can be one of your best frenimies because he has an ability to increase the whole party's tension by 5. However he also does have some annoying spells such as Dazzle which will lower the accuracy of your team mates.

Tips to Combat:

- Treat with Medium Priority.

Monsters series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2/Joker 2 Professional[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

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Battle Road series[]

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road II Legend & Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory[]

Skill/Spell Description
Zekkocho Charges into one enemy with a bell and/or Funghoul puppet. Has a high critical hit rate.
Short Story Brings out its Slime and Morrie Puppets or dolls of the Dragonlord and Hargon from a treasure chest to either Stun, DEF down, Paralysis, or Fizzle all enemies.
Ningyogeki Performs Slime Spank with its Slime Puppet, Corkscrew Blow with its Golem Puppet, and/or summons an army of Dracky Puppets out of thin air.


Other languages[]

Other languages
French Marionnettiste
German Puppenkasper
Spanish Titiritero
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Burattinaio nero
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

Related monsters[]
