Dragon Quest Wiki

The red giant is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest series.


A completely red-coloured loss leader-like monster, save for the inner side of its cape which is dark olive green.


Main games[]

Dragon Quest XI[]

#638 - Red giant
Dragon Family
DQXI - Red giant 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
1859 45 500 408 228
Exp Gold Drop Über Agate of Evolution (Common)
Metal king helm (Rare)
4472 630 G
Note: Only the Lord of Shadows himself need not fear these utterly unforgiving fiends. Their armour is awarded to them by the Dark One when they destroy their first kingdom single-handed.
Normal attack
Guards with its weapon
Ferocious Roar
Falcon Slash
Haunts at:
Citadel of Spite (Post game)


Being an imposing crimson figure, named for the red giant, a category of star often in the final stages of development and itself named for its red colour and large size compared with more stable stars.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Saigneur de guerre
German Roter Riese
Spanish Gigante rojo
Italian Colosso rosso
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

Related Monsters[]

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