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The Schleiman Tank is the tank used by Rocket in Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. It appears when the Warrior Flute is played.


The Schleiman Tank is a tank monster that looks like a building version of the Slime with tank treads and is armed with a tank barrel to open fire on the enemies. The Schwarzman tank is very similar to it.


the Schleiman Tank has a multitude of upgrades for it's HP. a list of all the upgrades and information on each can be found below.

Upgrade Name HP Boost Cost Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2
HP↑ Taster 30 50 G None None
A Little HP↑ 30 100 G Pompom x3 Treasure Chest x4
A Lot of HP↑ 30 150 G Girder x1 None
A Good Revamp 30 200 G Pompom x2 Catnip x3
Straightforward HP↑ 30 100 G Rockbomb x10 Wood Arrow x1
Muscly HP↑ 40 400 G None None
Zingy HP↑ 40 200 G None None
Mysterious HP↑ 40 200 G Slime Knight x1 Thousandweight x2
Serious HP↑ 40 200 G Shuriken x2 Steel broadsword x1
Lucky HP↑ 50 100 G Miracle Sword x1 None
100St Rank HP↑ 50 50 G Iron Ball x4 None
Smart HP↑ 60 60 G Thousandweight x3 None
Polish the Schleiman 50 50 G Catnip x2 None
Raging HP↑ 60 60 G None None
Spiritual HP↑ 80 80 G Holy water x3 None
The Schleiman Fort 80 80 G Treasure Chest x20 Lightning Staff x1
Holy HP↑ 80 80 G Holy Crystal x1 Goddess Statue x1
Evolution Jump 80 80 G Orichalcum x1 None
Slimenian Miracle 250 250G Toy Slime x7 Metal King Sword x2
Last HP↑ 250 250G Orchalslime x1 Kafrizzle x5


Monsters series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2[]

Joker 2 Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}
Rank and Slot No.[]
Joker 2 Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Three

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional[]

Joker 2 Professional Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}
Rank and Slot No.[]
Joker 2 Professional Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Three

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[]

Terry's Wonderland 3D Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Rank and Slot No.[]
Terry's Wonderland 3D Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Unknown

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[]

Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Rank and Slot No.[]
Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Unknown

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 Professional[]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

Super Light Synthesizing
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}
Rank and Slot No.[]
Super Light Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Unknown



  • It is the only tank to have two "slogans".

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Gluanzer
German Schleimpanzer
Spanish Tanque Schleiman
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese 勇車史拉琳加爾
Korean 용차 슬라링거
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