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Selflessness is a recurring ability in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest VI[]

Making its debut, Selflessness is granted at Rank 1 of the Paladin vocation, and shields any ally for the duration of one round. It costs 0 MP to use, and is also used by Iron tortoises, Plated goretoises, Brock, Belleau, & Cabot to defend their allies in battle.

Dragon Quest VII[]

Acts the same as in VI, and is once again granted at Rank 1 of the Paladin vocation, costing 0 MP to use once again. Armoured wartoises and Ironclad wartoises can use this ability to guard their friends. In the 3DS remake, it is also learned by advancing to Rank 1 of the Champion vocation.

Dragon Quest IX[]

Learned by investing 55 skill points into the Paladin's Virtue skill tree, it acts mostly the same, though unlike in VI & VII, the user guards any ally in critical condition for one round. It costs 0 MP to use once again, and is also used by Axolhotls in battle if their comrades are in low health.

Dragon Warrior Monsters[]

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Dragon Warrior Monsters 2[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2/Professional[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D/SP[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key/SP[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3/Professional[]

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Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[]

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Dragon Quest Tact[]

Acting the same as in VI and VII, it is learned by Stone golems at level 38, Armoured scorpions and Masqueraiders at level 22, Face invaders at level 32, Wyrtles at level 36, Thwarthogs at level 42, and the Leery Lantern at level 26, and already learned by Mechan-o'-wyrms and Diamond slimes when they are recruited, costing 32 MP to use. It can also be learned by Crocodine via his Talent Blossoming.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Altruisme
German Selbstlosigkeit
Decken (M)
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Korean Unknown

See Also[]
