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The silk robe is a recurring robe in the Dragon Quest series. It is a low to mid-level robe typically designed for female characters and/or spellcasters.


Dragon Quest III[]

The silk robe has the defence bonus of +20 and can be equipped by any class as long as they are female. It can be bought for 1,500 gold at Ibis and sold for 1,125 gold. One can be found in the Ibis Castle in a chest behind a door that can be opened with the Magic Key. The silk robe only appears in the remakes.

Dragon Quest IV[]

The silk robe has a defence bonus of +10. It can be bought for 110 gold and sold for 82 gold. Both Alena and Meena join the party with one equipped.

Dragon Quest V[]

The silk robe has a defense bonus of +13. It can only be worn by female characters. It is found in Fortuna.

Dragon Quest VI[]

Silk robes can't be bought in shops, but they can be sold for 450 gold. They have a defense bonus of +13 and a style bonus of +28. Damselflies will occasionally drop them. MillyAshlynn, and Nevan can wear them.

Dragon Quest VII[]

The silk robe has a defence bonus of +13 and a style bonus of +28. It can be bought for 600 gold at El Magnifico Puente de Pomposo and sold for 300 gold. MaribelSir Mervyn, and Aishe can equip it. Silk robes can also be won as prizes from the Lucky Panel at the Casino near the Pilgrim's Rest inn.

Dragon Quest VIII[]

The silk robe has a defense bonus of +10. It can be equipped by JessicaAngelo, and Red. They can be bought for 420 gold at Peregrin Quay and sold for 210 gold. One can be found in the old couple's house near Riverside Chapel.

Dragon Quest IX[]

Defense 3
Magical Might 3
Rarity ★☆☆☆☆
Location Stornway & Zere shop
Buy Price 290 G
Sell Price 145 G
Flavor Text A quality cape spun from silk yarn.

Dragon Quest XI[]

The silk robe has a defence bonus of +10 and a magical might bonus of +4. It cannot be purchased anywhere, but it can be sold for 180 gold. Both Veronica and Serena join the party with one equipped. Jade is also able to equip it. By using the Fun-Size Forge, the silk robe can reach a maximum defence bonus of +14 and a magical might bonus of +6 at a +3 rank.

Dragon Quest Tact[]

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Other languages[]

Other languages
French Robe de soie
German Seidenrobe
Spanish Túnica de seda
Vestido de seda
Italian Veste di seta
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown
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