Dragon Quest Wiki

The Hekswood is a location in Dragon Quest XI.

Monsters in the Area[]

Act 1

Act 2


Boss Monster[]

#175 - Jörmun
Beast Family
DQXI - Jörmun 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
820 999 141 150 79
Exp Gold Drop None
2400 290 G
Note: A hulking great creature who haunts the Hekswood with his horrifying howls of 'Jööööööööör!', with which he freezes foes before battering them.
Normal attack
Acts twice
Throws a snowball (Enemy's ice resistance decreases)
Jör we Go
Gives a good kicking

#586 - Malicious Jörmun
Beast Family
DQXI - Jörmun 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
2800 999 620 424 230
Exp Gold Drop None
12000 3000 G
Note: The Horror of the Hekswood, made even more monstrous by the Dark One's malign influence. His once holy heart had been lost utterly to evil.
Normal attack
Acts thrice
Gets Pepped Up
Hurls a stingingly cold snowball (Enemy's ice resistance decreases along with removal of buffs)
Gives a good kicking


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Material Gathering and Treasure[]

Collection Spots
Item Location
Avabranche Southern spot by dead tree
Platinum ore Southern path just before east ice bridge
Permasnow Just past eastern ice bridge
Avabranche Dead end at edge of river
Lucida shard Northern path close to western ice bridge
Gold ore
Platinum ore
Blue eye
Crystal just east of goddess statue

Single Treasure Spots
Item Location
Seed of agility Chest at east dead end after the river
Recipe Book: Platinum Protection Chest south of western ice bridge
Sage's elixir Chest at northern dead end after the river

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Der Hekshain
Spanish Unknown
Italian Malforesta
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown
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