Dragon Quest Wiki

Visor kaiser is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series.


The visor kaiser is an ancient robot monster with white armor that has four spikes two on the shoulders and the two on the kneepads and it wields a pair of Mammoth tusks for combat.


Main games[]

Dragon Quest X[]

#485 - Visor kaiser
Machine Family
No Image HP MP Attack Defence Weight
3291 106 398 463 612
Exp Gold Drop Silver ore (Common)
Densinium (Rare)
1377 15 G
Note: A mechanical soldier with a camouflage that melts into the darkness and attacks silently. The edge of darkness summons deep darkness, dazzling travelers and weakening them.
A monster that has been magically modified by evil scientists. He vows revenge on the scientists and wanders through the wilderness today as well.
Normal attack
Blocks enemy attacks and spells with its horns
Cursed Mist
Black Breath
Air Pollution
Psyche Up
Haunts at:
Windmill Hill
False Seledot Mountain Road
Jureida Tower Ruins
Royal Alchemia
Natural Heritage Reserve
Unfinished Lazea Wind Hole

Dragon Quest XI[]

#367 - Visor kaiser
Machine Family
DQXI - Visor kaiser 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
329 29 206 352 84
Exp Gold Drop Densinium (Common)
Equable emerald (Rare)
1610 307 G
Note: Military machines made once upon a time to protect an emperor. Now that the ruler they guarded is gone, they've been left without a proper purpose.
Normal attack
Blocks attacks with its horns
Cursed Mist
Air Pollution
Haunts at:
Mount Huji (Mid game)
Fortress of Fear (Mid game)

#587 - Malicious visor kaiser
Machine Family
DQXI - Visor kaiser 2D HP MP Attack Defence Agility
581 39 242 649 120
Exp Gold Drop Densinium (Common)
Equable emerald (Rare)
2428 504 G
Note: Visor kaisers who have morphed into a truly malevolent form under the malign influence of infinite evil.
Normal attack
Blocks attacks with its horns
Cursed Mist
Air Pollution
Haunts at:
Mount Huji (Post game)
Insula Algarum (3DS/2D Mode of Definitive Edition only, Post game)

Monsters series[]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3/Joker 3 Professional[]

Joker 3 Synthesising
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}

Joker 3 Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Unknown

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[]

Super Light Synthesizing
Monster Monster Result
Unknown + Unknown = Unknown
Synth type {{{Synth type}}}

Super Light Rank and Slot No.
Rank Unknown
Slot No. Unknown


Other languages[]

Other languages
French Dévastatueur
German Chrombullide
Spanish Mascacornio
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Blankzann
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown

Related monsters[]
